How long have you been with Donning?
I have been with Donning for a little more than 12 years, since May of 2007.
Take me through some of the highlights of your job.
As a graphic designer, I really enjoy the very start of each project. Coming up with an interesting design is always fun and energetic. Since each project has different materials and photos it provides me with a chance to be unique each time.
Of the many things you do for the company, what are your favorites?
My absolute favorite thing I get to do is help the customers tell the stories they are passionate about and in some cases, they have personally lived through. I love hearing about how we have made their memories and research come to life in each book.
What do you think sets Donning apart from our competitors?
I think what sets Donning apart is the care each of my co-workers puts into their work. I’ve worked with each of them and can honestly say they put a tremendous amount of care and thought into what they do. The customers are given the very best we have to offer each day.
Tell me about your life outside of Donning.
My life outside of Donning is full of family and friends. I have a wife and two boys who have me wrapped around their fingers. We try to be a good example of Christian values and do the best we can to do good to and for others. I have been fortunate to have a large family where my cousins are more like brothers and sisters and it has helped me a lot in my life.
What do you do for fun?
For fun I really enjoy hanging out with my family, playing guitar, and lifting weights. I am currently playing lead guitar with two bands. One is a cover band and the other is a much more creative outlet for my music. Lifting weights, I took up as part of a healthy lifestyle when I was younger and have kept on it throughout the years. It is a great stress reliever and confidence booster.
What else should people know about you or Donning?
Donning is a company full of good people that have your best interest at heart. We give the customers our very best and approach each project as part of their team.
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