The traditional ebook is a simple delivery of your text and photos to the reader. This is meant for the Kindle, iPad, or Nook type device. We strip your designed pages down to bare-bones text and images for conversion. (This allows the user to adjust your text size for easy reading.) This is what we call a ‘‘reflowing text’’ layout and does not honor the original design of your project. In this method we convert your files to a proper format for you to make contact with Amazon, Apple, or any company you’d like to try and sell your digital book.
Select Features
• Fixed layout / Interactive EPUB
• HTML5 Conversion
• Image Conversion
• iBooks Author Conversion
A flipbook is more than just that. Our Donning Flips are an interactive experience with extended features for the end user. We use the same layout from your printed content and enhance it with its own space on the web. You can share access to the flip via email, social networking, qr codes, and more. You can also use our security features to password protect the content. Add advertising opportunities with banner ads, direct links, and sponsor listings.
Select Features
• Search with highlighted results
• Subscription and Registration
• Statistics and Reporting
• Customized Toolbar, dock and icons
• Zoom
• Auto-linking of URLs and email
• Printing and PDF downloading
• Page thumbnails
• Share with a friend
• Flipping icon for website
• 100,000 page views per month
• Hosting for three years
Apps help you deliver compelling content to your readers wherever they are and on whatever devices they use—tablet or smartphone. Just think of an app as a software application that can be launched with a single tap from a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. Available for iPad, Android, or Windows devices. Donning Apps offer a rich content-viewing experience, interactive advertising opportunities; and real-time analytic insights along with new revenue opportunities for your organization.
Select Features
• Enable access to your content anywhere and anytime through multi-channels: apps, print, web.
• Reach a broader audience—acquire new readers and get rediscovered by readers who had previously abandoned.
• Provide real-time content updates— update your content with the latest and greatest information any time.
• Make additional revenue—enhance subscriptions, grow ad revenue, and offer additional items.
• Access rich analytics—see where you subscribers are, what they are interacting with and much more.

Its about more than just being on a digital device.
For more information please contact us
Marketing and Research Office
306 North Kansas Avenue
Marceline, MO 64658
800.369.2646 ext. 3377
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